"It Starts With Me" I The Broadway Sinfonietta X Lianah Sta Ana


"It Starts With Me" is an original song by Daniel Mertzlufft and lyrics by Kate Leonard, performed by Lianah Sta. Ana and The Broadway Sinfonietta, an all-female identifying and majority women of color orche"It Starts With Me" is an original song by Daniel Mertzlufft and lyrics by Kate Leonard, performed by Lianah Sta. Ana and The Broadway Sinfonietta, an all-female identifying and majority women of color orchestral collective founded by Macy Schmidt.stral collective founded by Macy Schmidt.

"It Starts With Me" is an original song by Daniel Mertzlufft and lyrics by Kate Leonard, performed by Lianah Sta. Ana and The Broadway Sinfonietta, an all-female identifying and majority women of color orche"It Starts With Me" is an original song by Daniel Mertzlufft and lyrics by Kate Leonard, performed by Lianah Sta. Ana and The Broadway Sinfonietta, an all-female identifying and majority women of color orchestral collective founded by Macy Schmidt.stral collective founded by Macy Schmidt.

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